What an IT Admin might have to deal with as a One Man Show.

As an IT administrator, especially if you are the sole IT professional in a company, you have the important task of maintaining and managing the company’s technology infrastructure. This includes everything from servers and desktops, to network security, cloud computing, and mobile device management. The role of an IT administrator can be demanding, especially for […]

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Constants in C++

Why don’t mathematicians like to change constants? Because they’re always set in their ways! A constant in C++ is a value that cannot be changed once it is set. It is like a label or a name for a specific value, and the value itself cannot be altered. For example, if you have a constant […]

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Cyber stuff for your Resume

My Strong skill is coding, I can write scripts like a champ! No Doubt on that, check out under categories cyber in this site and you will see! I mean I went to college for Software Development but I was in the ECPI Cyber Team, While there we competed in a few cyber competitions, and […]

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Functions in C++

Functions in C++ allow you to group a set of statements together and give them a name, so that you can use them multiple times in your program. Functions can also accept parameters and return values. Here’s an example of a simple function in C++ that takes no parameters and returns no value: This function […]

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LOOPS in C++

Why was the for loop feeling cold? Because it left its i out! Loops in C++ allow you to execute a block of code multiple times, based on a certain condition. There are a few types of loops in C++, but the most commonly used are for loops, while loops, and do-while loops. A for […]

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If statements in C++

if statement” in C++ is used to check if a certain condition is true or false. If the condition is true, a block of code will be executed. If the condition is false, the block of code will be skipped. Here’s an example of an if statement in C++: In this example, the condition being […]

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Pointers and references in C++

To build a robot I might have to know Pointers and References: Pointers and references are features in C++ that allow you to directly manipulate the memory of a program. A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. You can think of a pointer as a special type of variable […]

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What is ROS? ROS (Robot Operating System) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. It provides a common framework for robot software development and can be used in a wide range of robotic applications, from simple robots to complex systems. ROS is designed to be modular and flexible, […]


C++ Variables

C++ variables are a way to store values in a program. Think of a variable like a container that you can put a value into, and then later retrieve it from. There are different types of variables, each with their own specific use and characteristics. For example, some common variable types in C++ are: To […]

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