How to USe The AI to Do your Job Efficiently?

I have Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but I put in a lot of effort into everything I do. ChatGPT has been a great tool for me to use and it has helped me to improve my productivity. It is honestly the best productivity tool that has ever been created. Despite my mental health conditions, I am able to code to a high standard and I enjoy it.

I am going to use the step by step method of instruction to show you how you can maximized the use of chatGPT and increase your work output.

Tell ChatGPT:

use the step by step method of instruction to show you how you can maximized the use of AI and increase your learning of code. First I want you to teach me about Powershell

And just like that: This is what we get:

Sure, I’d be happy to help you learn about PowerShell using the step-by-step method of instruction.

Step 1: Introduction: Begin by providing an overview of what PowerShell is, its history and its uses. Explain how it is a command-line interface and scripting language used for automating tasks in Windows.

Step 2: Basic syntax: Teach the basic syntax of PowerShell commands, including how to navigate the file system, create and manage files and directories, and run programs.

Step 3: Variables and data types: Teach how to create variables and understand the different data types in PowerShell, such as strings, integers, and arrays.

Step 4: Scripting: Show how to create and run PowerShell scripts, which are collections of commands that can automate tasks.

Step 5: Advanced topics: Teach more advanced topics such as working with the registry, managing services, and creating scripts for scheduled tasks.

Step 6: Practice: Provide opportunities for trainees to practice and apply their new knowledge through exercises and real-world scenarios.

Step 7: Evaluation: Assess trainee’s understanding and performance to evaluate their learning and identify areas for improvement.

Step 8: Using AI: Show how to use AI in PowerShell, for example, how to use AI-based libraries or how to connect to AI services using PowerShell.

Step 9: Conclusion: Summarize the key concepts and skills covered in the training, and provide resources for further learning and exploration.

” So far you are tracking right? ”

Now lets zoom in into what we want to learn more about from the steps that we received from chatGPT.

Can you Begin by providing an overview of what PowerShell is, its history and its uses. Explain how it is a command-line interface and scripting language used for automating tasks in Windows, Show me examples with code

and this is the output I got:

PowerShell is a command-line interface and scripting language developed by Microsoft for automating tasks in Windows. It was first released in 2006 as a replacement for the command prompt in Windows.

PowerShell allows users to perform various tasks such as managing files and directories, creating and managing processes and services, managing the registry, and automating repetitive tasks using scripts. It is based on the .NET framework, which gives it access to a wide range of libraries and functions.

PowerShell commands, also known as cmdlets, are written in a specific syntax, which is similar to C#, and can be executed from the command line or within a script. Cmdlets are composed of a verb and a noun, and follow the pattern “verb-noun”. For example, the cmdlet to get a list of all the files in a directory is “Get-ChildItem”.

Here are a few examples of how you can use PowerShell:

List all the files in a directory:

Get-ChildItem C:\example\folder

Create a new folder:

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path C:\example\newfolder

Stop a service:

Stop-Service -Name "ServiceName"

Get the current date and time:

Select-String -Path C:\example\file.txt -Pattern "example"

These are just a few examples of what you can do with PowerShell. With its wide range of built-in cmdlets and the ability to create your own scripts, you can automate and streamline many different tasks in Windows.

Crazy but cool, If you want the AI to spit out more information just type


and you will get more information or the rest of the information that you were looking for:

Lets just change gears: and ask something I got no clue but just wonder:

What are the different types of recruiters and how they make money? How can I do their job better than a lot of them? 

There are several different types of recruiters, including:

  1. Internal recruiters: These recruiters are employed by a company to fill open positions within the organization. They are typically responsible for the entire recruiting process, from sourcing candidates to conducting interviews and making hiring decisions.
  2. External recruiters: Also known as headhunters or third-party recruiters, these recruiters work for recruiting firms and are hired by companies to fill open positions. They may specialize in a particular industry or type of position.
  3. Executive recruiters: These recruiters focus on filling high-level, executive positions within organizations.
  4. Contingency recruiters: These recruiters are paid a fee only if they successfully place a candidate in a position.
  5. Retained recruiters: These recruiters are paid a retainer fee upfront and are guaranteed to be paid regardless of whether they successfully place a candidate in a position.

Recruiters make money through a variety of ways, including:

  1. Placement fees: Recruiters charge a fee to the hiring company for successfully placing a candidate in a position. This fee is typically a percentage of the candidate’s starting salary.
  2. Retainer fees: Recruiters may charge a fee to the hiring company upfront, which is paid regardless of whether the recruiter successfully places a candidate in the position.
  3. Advertising and job board fees: Recruiters may charge fees to post job openings on various job boards and websites.

To do the job better than many recruiters, you could focus on building and maintaining relationships with both hiring managers and potential candidates. Understand the client’s requirements and company culture, and the candidate’s career aspirations, motivations, and qualifications. Be pro-active in identifying, sourcing, and recruiting the best-suited candidates, and be open and transparent throughout the hiring process. You could also focus on specialized recruitment, for example, for a specific skill or industry, keeping updated with the market trends, and using the latest tools and technology to improve your recruitment process.

lets ask it something else:

What are some of the tools recruiters use to do their Job? 

Recruiters use a variety of tools to help them with their job, including:

  1. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS): These systems are used to manage and track job applications, resumes, and candidate information. They allow recruiters to efficiently sort and filter candidates based on specific criteria, such as skills, experience, and qualifications.
  2. Job boards: Recruiters use job boards, such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor, to post job openings and search for candidates. Some of the job boards allow to target specific demographics, skills, and location.
  3. Social media: Recruiters use social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, to connect with potential candidates and promote job openings.
  4. Email and messaging tools: Recruiters use email and messaging tools, such as Gmail and Slack, to communicate with candidates and hiring managers.
  5. Video conferencing tools: Recruiters use video conferencing tools, such as Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams, to conduct virtual interviews and meetings.
  6. Background check software: Recruiters use background check software, to verify a candidate’s employment history, education, and criminal record.
  7. Recruitment marketing automation software: Recruiters use recruitment marketing automation software, such as Lever, Workable, and SmartRecruiters, to streamline their recruitment process, and to automate repetitive tasks, such as sending automated email sequences to candidates, and creating customized landing pages.
  8. Virtual reality tools: Recruiters use virtual reality tools, such as VR-enabled recruiting platforms, to conduct virtual reality interviews, and to provide virtual tours of the office and the working environment.

These tools allow recruiters to be more efficient and effective in their job, by streamlining their recruitment process, and by providing them with more information about potential candidates, and the job market.

How can i take advantage of the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)? 

and the output we get is:

Here are a few ways you can take advantage of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to improve your job search:

  1. Use keywords: ATS systems use keyword matching to determine if a candidate is a good fit for a position. Make sure to include relevant keywords in your resume and cover letter that match the job listing.
  2. Use the right format: ATS systems may have trouble reading certain types of formatting, such as graphics or tables. Use a simple, easy-to-read format that is compatible with the ATS system.
  3. Tailor your resume: Create different versions of your resume for different types of positions or industries. This will increase the chances of your resume being selected by the ATS system for the specific job you are applying for.
  4. Follow the instructions: Be sure to follow the instructions provided by the company for submitting your application. This includes uploading the correct file type and completing any required fields.
  5. Use the right file name: Be sure to use a file name that is easy to read and understand by the ATS system. Avoid using special characters or spaces in your file name.
  6. Use the right contact information: Make sure your contact information is accurate, and that it is easy to find on your resume.
  7. Use the right cover letter: Use a cover letter that is tailored to the specific job you are applying for, and that highlights your qualifications, skills, and experiences that match the job requirements.
  8. Track your application: Use the tracking features of the ATS system, to track the status of your application, and to make sure it has been received and processed.

By following these tips, you can increase the chances of your resume being selected by the ATS system, and increase your chances of getting an interview for the job. Keep in mind that different ATS systems may have different requirements, so make sure to research the system being used by the company you are applying to.

You have to treat the AI as your best friend that helps you do your job: I used to take a few hours to do some scripts with this tool my productivity increased x 10!

In the past while in the military and in college I would do the job of 3 people no problem, with this now I can probably do a lot more than most people even dreamed off.

Don’t be afraid to chat with your best Friend. Tell it, Teach me like if i was dummy about variables in PHP? or any computer language that you want:
Teach me about tools in cyber security, Teach me about C++. USE IT!!

This is all for now!


One thought on “How to USe The AI to Do your Job Efficiently?

  1. I have been looking into this recently, we need to talk about. It is a powerful tool indeed.

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