What an IT Admin might have to deal with as a One Man Show.

As an IT administrator, especially if you are the sole IT professional in a company, you have the important task of maintaining and managing the company’s technology infrastructure. This includes everything from servers and desktops, to network security, cloud computing, and mobile device management. The role of an IT administrator can be demanding, especially for […]

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Graylog is a log management platform that allows you to collect, index, and analyze log messages from various sources, such as servers, applications, and devices. It helps you to identify and troubleshoot issues more quickly, and to monitor the health and performance of your infrastructure and applications. Graylog consists of a server component that collects […]



Splunk is a software platform that allows users to search, analyze, and visualize machine-generated data. It is commonly used for log analysis, security, and operational intelligence. Here are some key features of Splunk: Overall, Splunk is a powerful tool for analyzing and understanding machine-generated data, and it is widely used in a variety of industries, […]


Fire Walls

So… it has been a while that I have not written but it could always be worst! College is busy! my Ubuntu machine ran out of support so had to pick another DISTRO. Went with Parrot OS, Why Parrot? well it suit my needs, It is perfect because it does have a whole bunch of […]

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