C++ Data Types

In C++, there are different ways to store and use information, just like there are different types of containers to store different things. in C++ there are several other data types besides int, float, char, and bool. Here are a few examples: In this example, we create variables of different types, with different values. “pi” […]

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How experience in the military help you in cyber security

Experience working in military operations can be beneficial in several ways when it comes to cybersecurity: Overall, the experience of working in military operations can help to prepare individuals for the fast-paced and high-pressure environment of cybersecurity. The skills and experience gained in military operations, such as decision-making under pressure, risk management and adaptability, can […]

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How APIs are Vulnerable with Examples.

APIs, or application programming interfaces, are a way for different software systems to communicate with each other. They can be vulnerable to a variety of attacks, including: An example of SQL injection in a PHP script is: 2. Broken authentication: This occurs when an API’s authentication mechanisms are weak or easily bypassed. For example, if […]

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What is the registry?

The registry is a database that stores configuration settings and options on a Microsoft Windows operating system. It contains information that Windows uses to configure the system, as well as information about installed applications and hardware. The registry is organized into a hierarchical tree structure, with keys and values similar to a file system. Each […]

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How APIs with PHP Work?

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a way for different applications to communicate with each other. It’s like a set of rules and protocols that one application can use to access the functionality of another application. For example, let’s say that you have a website that displays the weather forecast for different cities. The […]

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Effective Communication Strategies for Interacting with AI: Tips and Best Practices

It is important to use the right prompts with AI because it can greatly impact the accuracy and effectiveness of the AI’s response. Using specific and clear prompts can help the AI understand your request more easily, and provide you with a more accurate and relevant response. On the other hand, using vague or ambiguous […]

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